Friday 15 May 2015

Important message about litter

Some members are leaving litter behind after fishing.

Most worrying has been line discarded, including entire pole rigs. These are dangerous to birds which can become tangled in the line and die as a result.

The Marl Pit is a special fishery because of its natural beauty and wildlife. The club serves to protect that for the entire community. Anyone leaving litter even cigarette ends can expect to be banned from the club with no refund of membership. If you don't like this, the Marl Pit isn't the place for you

Sorry to be so strict but others of us end up clearing up the rubbish left behind. We should not have to do that.

Full rules below:

Swynnerton Youth and Community Angling Club


The Club is a Community Angling Club with membership open to people from the village of Swynnerton or with family, work or strong community links to the village.


  1. Members shall at all times respect the Marl Pit and it's surroundings
  2. No member shall engage in anti-social behaviour while fishing or visiting the site or fishing
  3. Respect the rights, privacy and peace of others using the Marl Pit
  4. Respect the privacy and peace of the Club's neighbours
  5. Do not leave any litter or waste (this includes cigarette ends)
  6. Do not do anything that may leave the Club open to prosecution or invalidate any insurance policy the club holds
  7. No member shall by their actions cause the Club to come into disrepute
Fishing Conduct

     8. Treat all fish and other wildlife with due care and respect
     9. Only barbless hooks may be used
   10. No carp to be kept in keep nets
   11. Use appropriate tackle for the species in the Marl Pit
   12. Boats may only be used with the agreement of the Chairman, Secretary or leaseholder
   13. No dogs are permitted while fishing

Guests and Young Members

   14. Members may occasionally invite a guest, however guests must yield their peg to a member if all pegs are occupied.
   15. Anglers under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
   16. Although membership for under 18s is free of charge, they must join the club before being permitted to fish


   17. Membership fees are:
                                                Adult: £20 per year
                                                Child: Free of charge (please see rule 16)

   18. There will be no day tickets as this is a condition of our lease and insurance

Please carry your membership card when fishing

The first Saturday of any month is maintenance day when members will carry out tasks on or around the water. It may not be practical to fish at this time. All members are welcome to help look after the Marl Pit on these occasions. We meet at 10:00 am.

All membership enquiries should be directed to us via  E - Mail